Java Shell Example

Note: It is highly recommended to have completed Tutorial Part I before trying this example.

This is a true third-party example consisting of a Java implementation of a command line shell.
We would like to use J-Orchestra to transform the original shell into a distributed shell with the functionality
similar to such utilities as Telnet or RShell. In-order to use resources more efficiently, we want to place all the input validation and parsing classes on the client with all the command classes on the server.

1) Download and install the original third-party Java Shell
2) Download and unjar jorch-shell.jar into the installation directory of Java Shell.
3) Add the installation directory to your CLASSPATH. (Note: The installation directory
of Java Shell must remain in your CLASSPATH during both the partitioning and running of the partitioned program).
4) Start J-Orchestra, load jsh.xml, and perform the partitioning.
(See Tutorial I for detailed instructions).

Now you ready to run the partitioned version of the application:
5) Run the server at ./step4/server: startServer.bat or
6) Run the client part at ./step4/client: java




Last Modified: June 12, 2003